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You can find more information on our VAT relief information page - or Contact Us and one of our customer services representatives will be happy to help.
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Information on VAT Relief for the disabled
What is VAT Relief for the disabled?
VAT Relief for the disabled is a government scheme that allows the zero-rating of goods if certain conditions are met.
Simply put, if the criteria below are satisfied we will not charge you VAT on some of the products available on our website.
What conditions do I (the customer) have to meet?
You (or the individual you are purchasing the goods for) must meet the following criteria
- You are chronically sick or disabled and
- You are buying the products for your own personal or domestic use
You can purchase goods and claim VAT relief on behalf of another person, but we will require some personal information (of the individual you are buying for) at checkout.
What qualifies as being "chronically sick or disabled"?
The following qualifies as being chronically sick or disabled:
- You have a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect upon your ability to carry out everyday activities
- You have a condition that the medical profession treats as a chronic sickness, such as diabetes or Alzheimer's disease
- You have a terminal illness
Common examples of chronic disabilities include (but are not limited to); Alzheimer's, any form of dementia, Parkinson's, arthritis, blindness, deafness, physical disability.
Temporary disabilities such as broken bones, or even postoperative confusion, are not classed as chronic disabilities or impairments.
If you are in any doubt regarding your (or the person you're purchasing for) condition, please ask your GP whether it is a chronic or acute...