Eating & Drinking
Everyone should have the choice to prepare and cook food independently, as well as being able to make a hot drink without another person assisting. However, due to problems we may bump into on our journey through life, this is not always possible. These 'simple' tasks such as making a cup of tea or sitting down and eating a meal can be restricted by illness, disease, mobility and disability problems. Sometimes all that is needed is a different approach to able to do certain daily tasks. Our aids can help you.
With a wide range of aids to choose from, such as Drinking Cups With Two handles and Suction Divided Plates. To Food Work Stations to the Uccello Kettle. We also have a variety of Can and Jar Openers to Adult Bibs and much more. All of the aids we provide are reliable, durable and safe for all users. Aimed directly at users who suffer with Arthritis which can lead to Poor or Weakened Grip. And If you are visually impaired or only have the use of one hand. We can help you deal with most difficulties you may occur during meal times when suffering with such illnesses, diseases and mobility restrictions.
Our Aids will also give your loved ones a peace of mind, as they know you will be preparing food and drinks safely and independently.